Powered by Google's Search Specialist, HKG Digital is an SEO Agency based in Hong Kong, offer SEO, SEM/PPC, Social Media Marketing and Web Design services.

SEO Search Engine Optimization

SEM|PPC Search Engine Marketing/Pay Per Click

Social Media Marketing

E-Commerce Services

Web Design & Development

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+852 6112 3129 / 5343 9810 / 5743 0073


Unit 1528, 15/F, Eastcore, 398 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Mon to Fri 10:00 - 19:00

+852 6112 3129 / 5343 9810 / 5743 0073


Why SEO is an Ongoing Process?

Why SEO is an Ongoing Process?

If there’s one thing you should know after getting this far is SEO is never ‘done’. Some of our campaigns last for months if not years, and there’s always more work to do.

The problem is, no matter how great your SEO strategy is, you’re not playing solitaire. Getting to the top of the SERPs can mean a lot of money for most businesses. That means someone will always be nipping at your heels.

You have an advantage, though – no one else in the field is as thorough as we are when it comes to SEO. The processes my agency uses, and which I’ve shared with you, should put you far ahead of your competitors. Once you’re in the lead, your focus needs to be on staying there, and you can achieve that in two ways:

  1. Making sure your content is always better and more up-to-date than anything else in the field.
  2. Stay on top of the numbers from your campaign, so you know when you need to improve assets or build new ones.

Before we wind down, let’s go over some critical steps to help you maintain content domination, so you don’t slip down the SERPs.

Next steps…

SEO is an ever-evolving field. Our entire business depends on keeping up with best practices to get better rankings. The only way to do that is through constant analysis and a hunger for learning.

When I set out to write this book, my goal was to create the ultimate SEO blueprint. The kind of book you can pick up and reference whenever you have doubts about what the next steps of your campaign should be. Over time, my hope is you will take the processes I’ve laid out in this book and make them your own.

Most people tackle SEO as an afterthought. However, you and I understand the true importance of search engines. In less than two decades, search engines have already shifted the way we look for new information and services, and I have no doubt they will continue to do so in the future.

As the algorithms that power search engines continue to evolve, we need to do the same. You have to stay hungry, keep up with SEO news, publish more content, and optimize your content further. Your website might be number one in the rankings now, but there will always be others nipping at your heels.

If you want to know what your next steps should be, the answer is simple:

  1. Keep improving the UX, technical structure and performance of revenue generating pages.
  2. Keep publishing new, high-quality, engaging content that targets valuable keywords.
  3. Keep building new links and don’t forget to look beyond traditional methods to do so.
  4. Keep evaluating your progress, to find out what your weakest areas are, and get to work on fixing them.

What we do is all about optimization and there is always more room for improvement. Your website might not be number 1 now, but imagine where it could be in a year, 2, or 5. If you know the rules when it comes to SEO, there’s no telling how far you can go.

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